This post was originally meant to originally about my highest selling book – which has so far accumulated over $30,000 in royalties on MKDP in around two years.
Seeing as my total royalties come to around $97,000…. this is a BIG chunk of my profits!!!

Check out my biggest month so far here.
But looking further into my analytics I realised that this book was also in a niche I have multiple books in and so far this niche has made me around $60,000 in the same time scale.
This additional $30,000 is spread over a whole bunch of books, that are either in the same, or a closely related niche /sub-niche to this one.
The other books make far less overall but still bring in those sales and I think this can tell you something about whether or not it’s a good idea to make multiple books in the same niche.
Well, yeh you guessed it…. it’s a good idea.
*Note! Not all of the above numbers relates to profit. I have tools that I pay for monthly here and in the last year only, I have run Ads. I’ve been adding my Ad spend to income reports, but as of December 21st 2022: I have spent a a complete total of $1371 in the US on Ads, £1362 in the UK and $457 in Canada. Then I also have to pay TAX on all my earnings.
1. Competing Against Yourself – Beats Competing Against Someone Else!
First of all, some people assume that competing with yourself is a BAD thing…
There is one way in which it may not benefit you that much in CERTAIN cases.
This would be where, (let’s say) you make two books but they’re both basically VERY similar.
Maybe they are a different colour or something.
With this book, you’d basically be appealing to the same person and they may choose one book or the other.
But that’s not what I’m suggesting you do.
I’m suggesting you make completely unique books in the same niche.
The covers will be different, the interiors will be different enough to class them as unique books.
The style of the books would be different enough that they’d most likely appeal to two quite different people.
These books may be under the same pen name … OR they may be under several pen names, all which generally have different styles and appeal to different people.
In this case, you could even have people buying multiple copies of your books – several different types.
This has possibly been one of the most successful decisions I’ve ever made when it comes to low content publishing.
Go deep into a niche that works and explore it until you run out of original ideas!
Sooner or later, you either run out of original ideas… Or you get bored.
At which point, it’s time to take a break and try a different niche.
But don’t necessarily stay away forever.
When you feel like exploring it again, go back to that niche and try creating some new books.
Plus…. Remember all the books that are always recommended to you on Amazon?

Imagine if, on the sales page to your book, a majority of the books recommended on that page were ALSO your book!!!!
This was my aim when I created multiple unique books in the same niche – and it worked.
I also ran Ads targeting MY OWN books using product Ads.
This would put a variety of my books on the same page – both in the, “books you may like,” and the “sponsored,” section.

I also find my books bundled together in the, “frequently bought together,” section!!!
Which Would You Rather…..?
A person leaves your books sales page…. and just clicks the link to ANOTHER one of your books…
A prospective buyer clicks the link on your sales page to someone else’s book and that’s them gone?
It’s a no brainer right, of course you want them to buy YOUR book there and then.
But the next best alternative, is that they click on one of your OTHER books that are recommended to them on the same page!!
2. Dominate A Niche & Reduce Your Competition!
If you find a niche that works for you, do not just let this opportunity go to waste.
Think of all the different types of books you can create in this niche.
Think about different styles, perhaps different ages, different hobbies or interests you could incorporate on your covers for the niche…… (e.g. say it’s Christmas planner book but, it specifically appeals to someone who loves Polar bears… Or whatever it may be!).
Write down all the different styles/niche combos in this particular area that are working right now, (research on amazon for the books that are selling).
From what you can tell about the books that are selling, is there a gap in the market or a unique take you could do on something that’s currently there.
What is missing? What could you add?
I would advise you to generate a list of ideas and get to work on those as soon as you realise you start making sales within a niche.
Of course, there are no guarantees that your other books will also start selling, this is all trial and error.
So far though, whenever I have had success in a niche, I’ve also found that other books I’ve created in it, also start selling.
Not every book of course! But that’s always the way it will be.
No matter how many books you create in a niche, there will always be someone else creating books there too so, of course you won’t ever entirely eliminate your competition….
But if you increase your visibility as much as you can by having a selection of books in the same niche; this can help!
The more of YOUR books that generate 5 star reviews and sales, the more visibility that YOUR books will have on Amazon above your competition!

3. Be As Diverse As You Can In Your Designs:
As popular as certain designs can be, people’s taste in design is extremely variable.
Yet, when it comes to KDP, a lot of creators do tend to churn out the same things again and again.
There is only one way in which I like to repeat particular styles or themes.
If I find there is one particular style of book that works in one niche, I won’t put that idea to waste – I will go ahead and use that style for various other niches as well.
This is another thing that’s worked really well for me!
Find a winning formula and repeat it over many varied niches.
When it comes to working in ONE NICHE though, ensure that each book is as different from your last as you can.
In that, it would most likely appeal to a totally different portion of the market.
4. When You Find A Style/Design That Does Work – Don’t Just Do More Of The Same In That Niche, But Use The Winning Design In Other Niches Too!
There is one way in which I do like to repeat designs over and over.
If I find a style works in ONE niche, then I will try this similar style of design in other niches as well.
This is another thing that has really worked for me.
So, by creating unique designs in ONE niche, you aren’t just wasting your time doing all these unique covers an interiors….
You’re actually testing out what works and can use this valuable information to create books in the same style, across various other niches.
Not all styles are going to work in all niches, (obviously) but you will start to get better at figuring out what type of styles will work across many niches.
5. When A Niche Is A Success…. Explore It On Multiple Levels:
Zoom in and you will find more and more sub niches within your broader niche.
Go broader and you will also discover other niches that are related that you could go into.
Take TEACHERS as an example.
Zoom in and you will find different types of teacher…. Maths, Science, Geography… etc…
Think also in terms of the teacher themselves, (they may want academic planners etc) but also in terms of someone who may be buying them a gift and what sort of thing they would be looking for.
Zoom out from teaching and perhaps you see EDUCATION in general, or HOMESCHOOLING.
You now have other areas to explore.
This alone could likely keep you busy for years!
How Many Books Should You Create In A Niche?
There really isn’t a limit.
I will tend to test things out with a few books and see how it goes.
If I get one that starts selling – I will look into why that particular book is getting sales.
Then I will create some unique variations.
Then I will zoom in or out of that niche into other sub niches, or related niches depending on how I feel I can compete with the other books and how worthwhile it may be.
It also depends how many designs you can realistically come up with that are unique without just creating more than the same….
…Plus, it will depend on your tolerance to stay with it because, it can get boring creating books in the same niche after a while!
How Many Books HAVE YOU Created In A Niche?
Do you tend to stick to one niche for a while, or dart about trying new things all the time?
If you do stick with one niche, how many books do you typically create?
Let me know in the comments!
Save Me For Later:
Hey! I stumbled upon your YouTube channel yesterday and I’m really happy. Only some days ago I came across “KDP low content books” concept. At first I was blinded by other YouTube videos which shows you can get instantly rich etc. Thank God I came back to my senses soon 😄
I love how you show practical aspects how KDP low content books work.
There are few things which I wanted to discuss… Needed your guidance actually . If possible can you please provide with a Mail ID? I’ll be grateful.
Ah thank you, so pleased you haven’t fallen for the get rich quick KDP videos. You can contact me at support@ragstoniches .com
Yes, Dominating one niche may be a good idea. Are most of your books high content, low content or no content?
Hi, they are mainly low content – but with some no content and a few medium content as well.