Building an email list can be a daunting prospect when you first start out. There can be many moving parts, which can initially seem daunting.
If you have limited technical know-how, or are simply new to the prospect of internet marketing – then the mere mention of something like an…”email marketing provider,” might send you quickly running in the opposite direction.
But while there are a bunch of steps involved when it comes to successfully enticing customers to join your email list… Once it’s all set up – That’s IT! It will be an automated process which you can just leave to work away in the background.
I recently created a video sharing some of the important steps you need to take, in order to created an automated process like this.
There are MANY ways you can go about this – with so many different tools and email marketing providers online these days. But I am just going to be sharing with you the method that I have learnt about and have tested for myself.
I also mention a free way you could capture email address, if the longer way feels too daunting to dive into at first.
You go with whatever pace you feel comfortable. It took me a long time to get used to some of this stuff and I still resist it frequently.
How To Build An Email List WIth CANVA Websites & Aweber:

Create A Lead Magnet & A CANVA Website:
So, in the video I talk about setting up a lead magnet – which might be something like a free ebook, a free PDF of coloring pages, whatever you want it to be, and this is going to entice someone to sign up to your email list for updates.
While you could link in your book to just a plain landing page and get emails that way, I think it is a good idea to have a website purely because you can add more elements to that.
So you can link to your books, you can actually have a business email address on there, you can have contact information so that you are able to show that to other people, for example, as well.
So maybe you have family members that are asking what you actually do; it would be nice to be able to show them to a website rather than just showing them your books on Amazon.
In addition to that, maybe you want to contact other bloggers in your niche and maybe you want them to give away one of your books. You would want to show them to your website rather than to Amazon to just see your book, and that’s going to look a lot more professional overall.
Finally, there are many self publishers who have eventually moved on to being traditionally published. But it will be very difficult for any other publishers to contact you, without any contact information. By having a website, you can provide a contact email address and that makes it simple for other people to contact you.
There are several stages to this whole process, but I’m going to share those with you step by step. Obviously there are lots of ways you could go about this; this is just what I happened to figure out for myself.
If you check out the video, I first show you how to set up a Canva website and the importance of buying your own domain name. I suggest you check out Namecheap, because they provide cheaper domain names than Canva.
I then show you how you would go about creating a lead magnet email & a landing page using Aweber, (which you can link to via your Canva website).
The landing page will contain information about the freebie you’re offering. If a customer signs up via the landing page, they will receive your freebie, but also join your email list. From then on, you will be able to contact them about new book releases or offers.
Please check out the video above for all the steps you need to follow, but once you have I have also included all the necessary steps you need to take to create this automated process.
The Important Steps For Email List Automation:
- Purchase a domain name. I recommend Namecheap. (https://bit.ly/3Ve0JjX) There are various places online you can purchase a domain name. You can also purchase them on Canva, but in my experience they are more expensive.
- Create your freebie to giveaway. PDF, ebook, coloring pages etc.
- House your freebie somewhere – such as Google Docs or Dropbox. Make sure you have the link to your freebie and that it’s shareable.
- Set up an email address for your company or brand. You can also do this on Namecheap – under business email.
- Start creating your Canva website – but don’t publish yet until you’ve set up Aweber. (https://bit.ly/3KjRKr7)
- Sign up to Aweber. (https://bit.ly/3KjRKr7)
- Create a new list on Aweber.
- Create a Lead Magnet email campaign – make sure this is set up to send whenever someone signs up to your list. Publish your Lead magnet campaign. Ensure your freebie is linked to within your email.
- Create a Landing Page on Aweber using your brand colours and font.
- Edit the URL for the landing page so that it matches your brand.
- Publish your Landing Page and grab the link for it.
- Embed the link within your Canva website and publish your website.
- Do a test. Follow the link from your Canva website, to your Landing Page and sign up for the freebie. Ensure you then receive an email from Aweber with a link to your freebie!
- Create an intro page in for the start of your books with a QR code that you can create in Canva. This will lead customers to your website, where they can sign up. You may want to add a URL as well, just to ensure they have multiple ways to access your freebie and join your list.
Let me know in the comments if you have set up an email list for any of your author names and whether this has been beneficial to you!
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