So, while I have been keeping up with posting my KDP income reports on YouTube, I’ve been really bad at keeping up with actually writing a blog post to go with that.
So, I thought I’d write a quick post here just updating you on how much I made on KDP this year so far in February, March And April.
I will shortly also be writing up the income report for May as well.
There have been some surprises, with some months being higher than the previous years and other ones not so.
February proved to be higher than 2023 by over $2000!! Which was really surprising.

Some of this was down to a very high day I had on the very last day of February, which seemed to boost things up.
It was also an unusual day, because the high volume of sales was due to a new book I’d recently published, which had only got a small number of sales prior to this bulk order.
It was great to see the book sell, but completely unexpected to see it sell so much in a single day and seemingly by one person/organisation/business.
It would be great if we could find out where our books go when we have these big orders.
In addition, the day before it was also a high day. But that was mainly due to another book, which has been a frequent seller for sometime now.

By comparison, March was a bit different. Last March in 2023 I had had a very high month. This March was very good too, but around $1000 less in royalties and I also spent more on advertising in 2024 by comparison.
April again, was lower than the previous year by over $1000 and I have also been spending considerably more on advertising this year. So, certainly by comparison I can see quite a difference in March & April.

May started out being very good and seemed on track to make a similar amount to the previous year, but then half way through May, the sales slowed down and May also looks set to make quite a bit less than last year.
Last year was the year that the Amazon royalties were reduced and that does have a part of play. But some of the months last year were unusually high when I compare them to the previous year. So, it is interesting to look back on some of the months in 2022 – because 2023 really had some unexpectedly high months.
This was sometimes due to huge bulk order days of one or two books. That has happened less this year, (so far). But there is little point in speculating too much why this year is different, because there are 101 reasons why that could be the case.
Increasing Book Production:
One of my top priorities over the coming months is to increase book production. I’ve had tonnes of ideas recently and it’s been hard to try and focus on one thing and actually see it through to completion.
Finally, I did complete and publish a book this month and I have another that I hope to upload, (at least) before the end of May too.
In June I hope to release several more books. My aim is to have a good amount more books in time for Q4 this year. While they aren’t seasonal books, they are generally books that would *also,* make good gifts.
How have the last few months been for you? Let me know in the comments!
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