Is Justanswer.com A Scam, Or Legit Money Maker?
Justanswer.com is a website that claims to be able answer any questions you have, via qualified professionals ready and waiting to answer your queries.
This is a service that you can turn to 24hrs a day, seven days a week. That’s not all though…
If you have a certain expertise, you can be on hand to answer these questions and earn money in your spare time. So, Is this a legitimate company you can rely on to make money, or is justanswer.com a scam?
Perhaps you are a professional in a certain field and are wondering if this is the sort of company you could join to bring in some extra cash. Well, that is what I will attempt to answer for you now – so, let’s get started.
(pssst…. if you’d like to know how you can turn your passions and interests into an online business: this place taught me how!)
Review In Brief:
Website: justanswer.com
Price to join: free
Money making opportunity: primarily part-time opportunity.
Overall verdict: LEGIT! Just Answer offers individuals an opportunity to make some part-time money within their area of expertise and help people online in the process. The company have good reputation online, with a lot of positive feedback and payout a reasonable commission per question answered.
What is justanswer.com & how does it work?
If you have a skill set, or expertise in a certain field – you may able to earn money in exchange for answering peoples questions in a particular area.
For example; if you’re a doctor, you would be responding to medical questions. If you’re a lawyer, you can answer legal related questions and so on…
Just Answer claim that they can provide an affordable alternative to contacting professionals directly and can also help people decide whether they need to seek further in depth support.
For example; perhaps someone has a health related question and they’re unsure about whether they really need to see a doctor, or whether this is something they can deal with on their own.
This service could act like a bit of an intermediary and prevent people from taking unecessary action, or spending more money than they need to.
So, people post their questions and queries on Just Answer and these questions will be matched to the relevant professional.
If you’re signed up as an expert with Just Answer, that person could be you. Once an individual has received an adequate answer to their question that they’re happy with, they pay a fee.
Unfortunately, you may not always be paid, because the person asking the question only has to pay if they’re fully satisfied by the response given.
I can imagine this could lead to people just giving bad ratings anyway and not paying.
Understandably, negative ratings will have an impact on the work you can generate. You need to maintain a good reputation on the platform and would have to be cautious to answer questions to the best of your ability.
On the website, they do claim you can make good money doing this. According to them, some of their main earners can earn $1000’s…. although, I am a little dubious about this, (I’ll explain in a moment).
However, if you’re looking to supplement your income and do have an area of expertise that you could help people with, then this could be a good opportunity.
Is Justanswer.com right for you?
If you’re wondering whether this could be a good fit for you, the best thing to do at first is to check out the categories available.
There are actually 175 categories at the time of writing, which is certainly a decent amount!
Some of the common categories will include things such as, any expertise in the medical field, legal field, tax, finance, languages.
They even have a category on homework! I’m unsure how you demonstrate you’re an expert there… (teacher perhaps…) but in any case! There seems to be a lot of variety on offer.
How do You sign up?
Signing up seems to be pretty straight forward and they claim you should be able to get started in just around half an hour.
However, before you do so, you’ll want to make sure you have the relevant documents ready.

Before you sit down to complete your application, ensure you have the following in front of you:
– A professional verification: naturally, you’re going to need to provide proof that you do have expertise in a relevant field. As you can see via the image above, this could be something like a college degree/diploma/certification.
– Personal ID: you will also need to prove that you are who you say you are. Ideally, something like your passport number, or social security.
– Resume: Having a resume is not compulsory, but it could help verify you more quickly.
Once you have these details to hand, you can go ahead an fill out your application with all the relevant info!
Once you have filled out your application, it may take up to 10 days to be approved if you’re in Canada/USA, or potentially up to 20 elsewhere.
Once your application has been approved though, you will be given step-by-step instructions for everything you need to do to get started making money.
How much money Can you make?
Depending on what topic area you’re going into, customers can pay up to $50 for an answer… or as little as $15. You will be getting half that eventually, so 50% on what anyone pays for their answer.
I believe you may start on a 20% commission and build up to 50%.
Therefore, with a 50% commission, you’d roughly be looking at between $7.50 and $25 per answer and, from my perspective, that looks pretty decent for what could only take minutes of your time to answer.
There can be additional charges as well, depending on what your customer requires. So, there is some scope to increase that fee, depending on what area you go into.
You will need to earn $25 prior to getting paid, this is the payout threshold. You can then be paid via your PayPal account.
How can you increase your rate? Well, you need lots of good ratings! So, the more in depth, accurate and helpful your response the better.
That being said, you cannot guarantee great ratings. But you can only do your best to achieve them.
JustAnswer reviews online:
This company actually has plenty of excellent feedback online, so you can know that you’re joining a company with a good reputation, at the time of writing.
For example, JustAnswer has over 3000 5 star reviews on truspilot.com
They also have over 700 reviews on consumeraffairs.com, largely 5 star as well.
There is much more positive feedback to be found as well, which is quite unusual for a company online that’s been running for this long now, since 2003.
Yes, if you dig deeper, there is some negative feedback. Mainly claiming from some people believing they’ve been misled into paying, or that the advice is a rip off.
However, there have been many negative comments that have been refuted and the negative feedback seems minimal.
Ultimately, there are some people who will not want to pay for anything, even when it’s professional advice from qualified experts!
– Great way to make money from your expertise.
– Sign up is straight forward
– Reasonable rates for answering questions, 50% commission.
– Something you can do from anywhere that you have an internet connection.
– A way of giving back and helping people, with knowledge and skills you’ve developed.
– Some great feedback online!
– You rely on questions coming in, so it’s not work you guarantee.
– You need to rely on good feedback to improve your wage, (you can’t control this, as someone could give you bad feedback unfairly).
– People may add a low rating, simply to avoid payment.
Conclusion: is justanswer.com a scam?
Justanswer.com is a legit website that can potentially give you an additional source of income.
Although, I’m not sure many people can really make $1000’s… unless you’re in a field with a high number of questions coming in and a limited amount of people to answer them.
In any case, this company has plenty of positive feedback and their commission rates seem fair.
Also, there is likely to be some people who simply do not want to pay for an answer and can just give you negative feedback to skip the payment.
Another way to make money online…..?
If you have an area of expertise or are passionate about a certain topic area, there are various different ways that you could make money online.
One of the ways that I make money online, is through running this website.
I’m interested in finding ways to make and save money online….. so, I write about it and make money in a variety of ways, mainly through affiliate marketing.
I wasn’t a technical-type-person at all when I started and I didn’t realise that you really don’t have to be.
If you’re interested in turning your interests into a long-term business, you can learn here.
Do you have any experience with JustAnswer.com? Are you making a decent income from answering questions? Share your experiences in the comments!
All the best,
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