Last year, April was the first month in the year that was quite a bit lower than previous months.
This April wasn’t the exception, although I still did make more than the previous April in 2021. So, that’s all fine by me.
April was over a thousand dollars less than March, but that was also to be expected, if I was going on previous years and patterns.
However, overall, April was still better by the previous April by about $500 or so.
I had a couple of high days in April and one was quite near the start and this led me to believe me that maybe April was surprisingly going to be much better than the previous year.
However, then the Easter school break started and my income went considerably down at this point.
I’m unsure about elsewhere in the world but it was the Easter school break in the UK over Easter.
During this time, presumably people are going out and having fun and not thinking so much about those other things.
I guess if I had lots of Easter related books or activity books, then it would have been a different story.
But I only have two books in the Easter niche and they are not big sellers for me. So, I knew that wasn’t going to happen!
You can see how much I made in April below….

My highest day was on April 11th and around $542.
My lowest day was one of the lowest I have had in a while, but this was over the Easter weekend.
I had an additional bigger day on the last day of the month, which was nearly $300.
Did I Publish Anything New In April?
No! I didn’t get around to publishing in April.
I’ve been working a bit on A+ content and just some ideas, but with the Easter break and various other things, April seemed to fly by and I feel like I definitely haven’t been productive enough.
I have also been working on running more Ads and that’s been up and down, (as I will talk about in a moment!).
Were There Any Surprises In April?
I was actually surprised by some of the lower days in April because I didn’t seem to have that last year. I presume a lot more people were probably travelling this Easter, (in comparison to last year).
Another thing was that since Q4, it seemed to be the same high sellers selling day in and out, without much variation.
But in April, I noticed some other books started to sell that I hadn’t sold since last year. So, it was nice to see some variation.
I also sold a bunch of my easter activity book via expanded distribution! I don’t have many books in expanded due to the restrictions with it.
But I can see that it’s possibly a nice extra earner with activity books & maybe I should try and create some more.
The other thing I tried was running more Ads to older books that now have 5 star reviews.
These are books that barely sold, but did have some reviews. What I noticed was these books started to sell organically more; once I was running the Ad.
These sales were definitely not purely from the Ad alone so, this seems to lend weight to the fact that running Ads can also increase organic sales to those books.
The experimentation didn’t go without some loss however! All the new Ads I ran were in the UK and because it takes time to optimize these, my Acos went up quite a lot.
By the end of April, my ACOS in the UK was over 44%. … Definitely not profitable! However, my Ads in the US and Canada did well, at an ACOS of around 15% and that balanced it all out.
This month, I’m still working on optimizing the Ads that I started. If any of those work out, then I may try those on the other platforms.
If you checked out this post, where I optimized an auto Ad... This Ad is currently profitable at this point.
So, I’m keeping that one running and hope for some reviews to filter through soon.
KDP Amazon Ads For April:
So, I’ve already explained what happened with the Ads.
The UK ones were thrown off track, after I put up some new Ads and I needed time to optimize these.
As I write this in the first week of May, the UK Ads are now currently profitable again, but I will have to keep tweaking them.
If they stay that way, I may try advertising the same books on other platforms also.
I’m happy with my US & Canadian Ads, although I definitely would like to advertise more books.
My Canadian Ads:

My USA Ads:

My UK Ads:

If you’re not sure how to run Ads and you want to know more; you might want to check out the brief intro I did on Ads here.
Other Expenses:
My other expenses right now come from the same ones I’ve had in a long while and currently that comes in at around $100 at the present time.
You can see the tools I use here – some are ones I paid for out right and others are monthly subscriptions.
So, What Are The Total Expenses?
Total Ad spend, across all platforms: $291.12
+ 20% VAT tax that I get charged on top, (as I’m in the UK I get charged this on top of my Ads).
So, around $58 plus $291 = $349
Then my tools $100.
$100 + $349
Total Expenses: $449
$5,568.48 – $449
PROFIT: $5119.48
Of course, this is before any regular yearly tax that will need to be paid each year.
Check Out My Mini Course Below — It’s Free & For Beginners:
How Was Your April?
So, how were your royalties on KDP this April? Were they more of less than you expected?
Let me know in the comments and also, if you have any questions at all – leave them in the comments below.
Hello My name is Loussie and I would like to invest in a Low content KDP course.in a previous post I saw you recommended Rachel Harrison Sund course. I would like to know if you still recommend her course and what makes her course different than KCF from Ty cohen. If it’s possible can you tell me the amount that you paid to enroll into the course. And lastly, once you enroll, do you had to paid extra to be coach personally in order to get those results. Thank you so much for you time and answers.
Hi loussie – I’ve not heard of KCF from TY Cohen? So, I can’t comment on that one. When I bought Rachel’s course, there wasn’t much out there at the time on Youtube etc. So, potentially you could find much of that info now online but that’s the same with most things these days. It depends what you really want from the course — is it just a step by step showing you how to upload, how to find and input keywords etc… or is it something else? I didn’t pay for any extra coaching and I don’t remember now how much I paid for that course but it was $100-something dollars at that point. I’m sure it’s quite a bit more now. Good luck!