Today, I’m just sharing my own experience with this particular App that I recently downloaded.
If you’d like to share your own experience with the Fabulous App, please leave your comments at the end of this post.
This Fabulous App review is a bit of a departure from the usual reviews I do – because my blog is primarily based on making/saving money online.
However, I’ve found that, often in order to be inspired and motivated to build your own online business, website or side hustle….
You need to do a lot of work on yourself!
In fact, I’d go as far as saying that self-improvement and self-discipline has been absolutely essential for me reaching this point so far.
I have often fallen off the wagon as far as self-discipline goes, in MANY ways.
Some of these ways include…
- Eating badly/putting on weight,
- Cutting back on exercise, falling out of my routine,
- Not seeking out and taking advice from role models,
- Drinking alcohol more often than I want to,
- Letting insecurity win and prevent me from achieving my goals,
- Self-Sabotage in general….
I mean, I could go on and on.
I have to be really strict with myself in order to stay on the right path and not veer off into some form of self-destruction or other….
Maybe you can relate to this as well!
If so, the Fabulous App may be something that could encourage you and help you stay on the right track.
That said, it’s not going to be for everyone!
So, What Is The Fabulous App?
After that somewhat self-indulgent introduction, I should probably tell you what the Fabulous App actually IS!
You may well already vaguely have an idea, if you’ve stumbled upon this review while doing your research.
The idea behind it, is to help you to build healthy habits within any area of your life that you choose, or areas that you struggle with.
This might be, to meditate more, to have a morning or evening ritual, to eat more healthily, sleep better, reduce stress and so on.
You can start off, with a free seven day trial, in which everyone starts with the same routine.
This involves drinking water every day and, a few days in, incorporating a healthy & high protein breakfast.
Gradually, you incorporate more habits and rituals into your routine that can help you reach your goals and live a fuller and healthier life.
As a premium member, you can add as many things as you like to a morning, evening and even an afternoon routine!
You can also completely adapt your routine to suit yourself and your interests.

What Does The Fabulous App Include?
There are many challenges available on the Fabulous App and it looks like it’s continuing to grow right now, adding more journeys.
For example; I see one in the pipeline for Yoga for beginners and a 30 days sober challenge, both of which would interest me.
You can also share your ideas about which challenges you’d like to see next.
In any case, I will give you some idea about the key areas!
Morning, Afternoon, Evening Routines:
Here you can build up your own routines, by building in things that are going to be beneficial for you.
There are tonnes of activities to choose from and, if you don’t see it, you can create your own.
These may include things like…
- Exercise,
- Meditation,
- Reading,
- Writing a to-do list,
- Arranging your plans,
- Tidying up,
- Eating,
- Practicing gratitude,
- Taking Your vitamins…. Or whatever is important to you!
You can add and remove things from your list as you choose and also reorder them.
You have the option to get an alarm to remind you to do these things at a particular time and when you’re done, you tick them off your virtual list.

Start A Challenge:
There are lots of challenges that you can join and I did find it ever-so-slightly overwhelming at first, because you may feel compelled to join several at once.
Having checked it out myself, I’d say go for one challenge at a time and see how you get on with it.
This is one part of the App that I really like, because doing these challenges may give you the opportunity to do something you may never have even thought of trying before.
This is a good way of just trying things out….
For example; the beginning Yoga option that’s coming soon, would give you an insight into Yoga for beginners.
If you love it, you may choose to pursue it more, join a class, increase your practice time and so on.
Maybe you’ve never tried meditation or breathing exercises before – there are journeys that incorporate this into your routine.
The challenges start from small things, to more challenging.
For example; the mini challenges currently include:
- Taking a short walk,
- One minute stretch,
- Act of Kindness.
Once you’ve conquered some small things, you can move up the ladder.
With bigger challenges, you can incorporate things like;
- Meditation,
- Morning Exercise,
- Breathing Exercises.
There is also something called, “Calendar Challenges….”
These can include more dedication over a period of time, to focus on a new challenge in your life, or sorting out your finances.
I think there is something for everyone here.
Make Me Fabulous:
This section has different categories that you can click and choose to focus on.
Many have little mini bursts of activity, inspiration, rest, advice and so on that you can fit into your day.
Usefully, every activity is timed and so, if you only have 5 minutes to spare – you can easily pick out a 5 minute exercise to do.
For example; today I did a quick power nap for 11 minutes, accompanied by the soothing sound of forest wilderness and bird song.

I really like this whole section and find it easy to navigate… I do have ONE issue with it though.
There is one male British voice that I find really irritating on these exercises and I don’t find it very motivational, relaxing, or soothing…. (Sorry anonymous voice! 🙁 ).
By contrast, there is a ladies voice that I do find relaxing – so, I guess I have to just go for the exercises where she is speaking.
I think one way they could improve the App, (which I don’t think is an option right now) is to be able to choose a voice that you prefer.

What Do Other People Think About The Fabulous App?
This App has well over 200,000+ reviews currently on Google Play and they’ve managed to maintain a 4.5 star rating at this point.

It also has a 4.6 rating on average on the App Store.

Many people say that the app has had an immense impact on their life and has been inspirational and motivational for them.
Where people have a problem, is that Fabulous App is pretty expensive!
They have a one off yearly payment of $50, or £43.99 in the UK.
I don’t remember seeing a monthly membership option, but apparently there is one for around $16.
For me, after the 7 day trial it seemed to automatically charge for the yearly membership…
Some people have been very unhappy about this and have struggled to get a refund.
One reviewer said they’d have a lot more subscribers if they had a more affordable monthly fee and I think I can agree with that.
What I Like About Fabulous App:
- The gorgeous artwork/animation within the App, I love it.
- The calming music and sound effects.
- The positive messages and quotes.
- Many of the challenges.
- Some of the soothing voices.
- How it can motivate you to create new, positive and healthy habits in your life.
- It’s pretty simple to navigate.
- The overall design and look of the App.
- That this is a progressive app, they want you to tell them what you’re looking for and they will be creating journeys and challenges based on what their audience are looking for.
What I Don’t Like About Fabulous App:
- Them constantly asking you to share on social media, or share with a friend.
- The first routine you start is just to drink water – I found this wasn’t exciting enough to interest me, (I already did it) – you can change this later though.
- Some of the exercises have too many pauses! It will ask you to think about something, but then give you too long to think of it and you can’t skip to the next section!
- You can’t untick habits… So, if you’ve ticked that you’ve completed something, you can’t go back on it.
- I don’t like how it makes you promise to complete a challenge, or sign a contract to stick to your goals – some people may love this! It felt a bit too forceful to me.
- One of the voice sounds like Hugh Grant. In fact, it sounds quite like the character he plays in Bridget Jones – which was off-putting.
- It’s quite expensive.
Is The Fabulous App Worth It?
The Fabulous App won’t suit everyone.
In particular, those people that already have a bunch of rituals and routines that they follow already, may find it less worthwhile.
For them, being told to drink a glass of water, or eat a high protein breakfast, isn’t going to be anything new.
However, you can add and remove habits as you choose – So, you don’t have to have *drink water,* in your routine and there are tonnes of other ones you can put in.
There is a lot more to the App than this and various challenges you can take, so if you dig deeper, you may still find it worthwhile.
But if you’re already good at creating and achieving goals by yourself and sticking, (mostly) to your rituals, then you probably don’t need this app.
I would say it’s most going to suit people that, for whatever reason, just haven’t found the motivation or the inspiration to build healthy habits yet.
People that need that daily push, encouragement and also, being part of a team, (as you can connect to others on their Facebook group & do challenges with friends, for example) could really benefit.
It could be that this is your first venture into anything self-development and you’re looking for a helping hand.
If so, you will probably like the Fabulous App.
For it to be worth it, you need to be dedicated and take your time completing the many different challenges.
What pricing options you are offered with may well change over time as well.
If you take the free trial , remember that you can cancel immediately and see access the App for 7 days.
This will prevent you getting charged, but you can still always join once the 7 days is up.
All in all, there is a lot to like with this App and you may just like it too!
I hope you found my Fabulous App review useful – let me know what you think of it so far, in the comments.
Interested In Learning Something New?
While you’re getting all motivated to change your routines and your life, you may also be interested in how you can build an additional income stream!
I’ve written about lots of different ways you can potentially make money online, some big and some small.
But primarily, I make the most at this point, by running my own website online and writing about things that interest me.
If you’d like to learn how to make money from a website or blog, I recommend the training here for beginners.
It’s actually where I first got started in 2015 & am still learning plenty there today.
All the best,

This app is run by scammers.
I downloaded this app and deleted it after a few days as it was awful. After a few weeks I noticed that these scammers had billed me for a year subscription charging me $37.99. I have written to the scammers to demand my money back but they have casually answered that subscriptions are not refundable. There is no way of cancelling your subscription on their app, and they have made it purposefully difficult to do this step, obviously so that they can charge you for entire year(rather than a month). Total scammers.
Hi there – I really didn’t like how they immediately charge you after the trial period for an entire year. What’s more, there should be some time in which they do offer a refund. I agree that this is really bad practice.
On the Fabulous app, I got up to the point of inputting my payment info then got cold feet and backed out. I still got the 7 day free trial. I think that’s the key, inputting your email address, but not your payment info. Since then, they’ve been pursuing me via email, today offering me a 30 day free trial for the Premium version (I’m sure for that, I’ll be required to input payment information).
I appreciated Nat’s honest “IMHO” review about the efficacy of the Fabulous app. There are a couple of habits that I simply have not been able to make progress on by myself. Now I feel comfortable going forward and taking a chance on Fabulous with their latest offer, to see if it will help me make headway.
Thank you, Nat.
Thanks very much Karen! I hope you’re still enjoying the App.
They have been scamming people for over two years. I don’t know how ANY reputable organization could promote this scam. PLEASE stop doing this. I realize you probably get paid for promoting it but it’s preying on people who are already struggling. My daughter was taken for 40 dollars even though they claim it’s “pay what you can” and she’d already PAID what she could but then they took 40 on top of that and there’s no recourse. The bank said no refund it was a purchased subscription, which it WAS but they were only supposed to charge what she offered. It’s a lie and now that I’ve looked at many reviews since 2020 MANY others have had this same issue. They ARE scamming people, misrepresenting how you’ll be charged. There is NO indication that you will have to pay any extra after that charge within two week’s time and when you try to dispute the charge with them they say you need a screen shot. My daughter actually took one but when you try to submit it, you get an error. She’s tried repeatedly and tried contacting them and now it looks like she’s been blocked JUST for trying to get money they stole from her.
Hey Cyndi – I actually have not been paid to write about the Fabulous App. It’s something I just trialed out for myself and wrote about. I’m not sure if you saw but I actually stated how I was charged the yearly fee after the 7 day trial and wasn’t best pleased about that. What I will do is actually add a warning to the top of the post about this – it seems people have been complaining about the issue for quite sometime now. I hope you do somehow manage to get this money refunded. Did you get this App via apple? You could also report the problem direct with Apple as well.
I am student , i came to this app by accident during corona lockdowns back in 2020 , i was living alone abroad and it felt lonely . I lost my daily rutine of attending classes and socializing with friends and was locked home , So for me the app was a new breath of life But then it asked for alot of money that I couldn’t afford . I passed the free trials and after that i stopped and made my own habits just inspired by the app . I cannot say i did great following them long term but was definitely helpful . Now in 2022 i am back again and installed the app , no i have a little saving and i wanted to search to see if it is worth it . I am in a two wee holidays of new year and i want to have a productive holiday as I have been incredibly disorganized in past few month and unhappy with my state of health .
I think my previous experience with the app was good but i still don’t like the yearly payment
Hey, thanks for stopping by and commenting. Yeh, I agree – I don’t think the yearly payment is good and in retrospect, having written this review sometime ago, I don’t personally feel it’s worth that cost. But everyone is different!
They are still scamming people to this day, happend to me 2 years in row after I canceled my subsription and have changed my card since and 3 days ago I was charged again because I saved my new card info into my Google Account. Google Play refusing to answer to my request about unauthorised payment third time in a row… I dont know how Google can provide their services to such scammers and then do nothing about it… 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
Be careful before buying this app!!
I was refused a refund & called the CHASE Bank Fraud department. They will not only refund my money, but their Fraud team will be investigating how Fabulous deals with customer refunds.
Our story is similar to the many disgruntled customers all over the web (Just google “Fabulous App Fraud.”). We never activated our subscription b/c we did not want the app!! We were charged for two subscriptions in November (11/10 $1.00 & $49.00 and 11/24 $39.99 & $29.99) but we were not charged in Dec., Jan. & Feb. The Chase Bank Fraud represented agreed that they didn’t charge b/c they saw we never activated our subscription.