How do you write content for your blog fast – but still do it well?
Writing content regularly week on week and month on month, can be a challenge!
For some people the act of writing doesn’t come naturally either and it can feel like an uphill battle to keep writing regular content.
However, writing content on a regular basis is one of the main ways to rank highly in the search engines.
Your blog or website is ultimately largely made up of content in one way or another, so the quality of your content is what is going to be very significant over time.
Really good content could also be something to set you apart from your competitors.
However There May Be Various Problems:
- You may lack the skills to write good quality content.
- You may not have the time to do it.
- You may lack ideas for content.
Running an online business is not easy. There are so many things you need to remember.
Content marketing takes time and effort to be done properly.
So ultimately, unless you plan to outsource your content, you need to find a way to write good content fast.
So, what are some ways that could enable you to do this?
Avoiding Getting Writer’s Block:
Sometimes even the most experienced writer goes through the dreaded writer’s block.
You just cannot seem to come up with anything worth writing, and you thus end up wasting a lot of time forcing yourself to come up with ideas – but your mind is blank.
To avoid getting stuck with no inspiration at all, one of the best things you can do is get used to writing a backup plan.
Simply put, just list ideas that you could write about in the future, so that if you just cannot think of anything right now, you can simply refer to this ‘backup plan’ and use one of those ideas to write about.
When you’re feeling your most creative, seek out ideas and inspiration and write a whole list of potential topics to write about, even come up with the titles there and then.
From here, you can have a whole list of ideas to work from at any time.
Get into the habit of doing this regularly and it will be one of the best things you dedicate your time to!
No more stressing about what to write, you will be prepared.
Create A Plan Or Outline:
before you start writing it is generally best to make some short notes as a plan or template to base your post upon.
This will not only help you to write the post more quickly, but it will also enable you to structure it in a better way, thus making it more reader friendly.
While doing this you may become aware of the need to do some research.
Try to avoid spending too much time on this though as most likely you will already have several ideas of your own as you start writing.
Writing In Batches:
Often it is easier to write several posts, rather than writing just one.
Once you are in the mood of writing, you should keep writing – also known as batch blogging.
Related Post: How To Batch Blog Like A Pro!
You may find yourself speeding up as you go – once you’re in that frame of mind for writing, many find they can write a large amount in one sitting.
If you have chunks of time where you feel more able to write, it’s best to make use of this and create several posts which are all done for the next time you intend to post on your blog or site.
Avoid leaving it to the last minute:
It is a good idea to set up an editorial calendar where you plan ahead when you shall be posting new content.
In such a way you will be setting a deadline and you will know in advance how much time you have to write the post you will be posting next.
Planning ahead will enable you to avoid time pressure and it will also take the pressure off of you.
Being stressed out about a time deadline and feeling pressurised will not help when it comes to writing good quality content.
Naturally if you allow yourself enough time to write, you are normally going to come up with a better post.
Sure, some writers may thrive under the pressure of a deadline, but for many others this will be the perfect recipe for writers block!
If you have a limited amount of time at your disposal you are bound to panic, and to hurry things up, thus ending with low quality content which might ultimately harm your site.
The simpler, the better:
Generally your readers will be looking for something that is reader friendly and simple.
You cannot wander off in a hundred different directions in a single post, or relentlessly use technical words or jargon.
You want to reach out to your audience, and to do this you need to know what they are looking for so as to target this in your content.
With a clear picture of what the main message of that post will be before starting it, you will be able to write something valuable and helpful.
Keep it simple yet informative, and you are going to appeal to more people.
If your posts are confusing and difficult to read, the reader will just move on to someone they can understand better!
A conversational tone works well when you’re blogging – so keep it light, like you could be chatting with a friend.
The more concise you are, and the more you stick to a particular topic or area, the better the post is going to be.
It’s not all about length.
Besides it is less time consuming to write a shorter post than a longer one, so you will ultimately be saving time.
In case there are various areas you want to tackle, or subtopics arising from that topic, just divide them in separate posts.
List Keywords And Synonyms:
you are well aware that the keywords that you will be using in your posts matter.
However you need to avoid stuffing them all over as that is not advantageous at all and could damage SEO ranking.
So, to save time and still be on the safe side, list some good keywords to include, as well as synonyms.
Then set a keyword density you intend to stick to and based on it calculate how often you will be using certain keywords in the post.
As you are writing you will be better able to keep track how often you are using keywords while making sure you keep it SEO friendly and reader friendly at the same time.
But aside from the key areas that you should add your keyword, you can otherwise leave it at that.
If you happen to mention the keyword again, that should just be something that may happen naturally, rather than anything forced.
Avoid distractions:
while you are trying to write the post, you need to avoid distractions. As you sit in front of your computer close all tabs so as to avoid getting distracted by an email that just came in, or going on a social media platform.
Avoid editing all the time:
If you edit at every few sentences it is going to take you really long to finish the post. So avoid continuous checking and editing.
This will also end up reducing the flow of your post. It is better to finish it, read through it, and edit once it is done.
Forget formatting while you are writing:
Just stick to writing! Avoid adding bold, italics, and images as you write because it will take you longer and end up deviating your line of thought.
Formatting and other aesthetic additions can be done once you are done writing.
Bear these tips in mind, and presto, your posts will be completed sooner than you think!
These are really good tips for writing content. The last two about editing and formatting were really good reminders because those do slow you down, and are done much better when you read the whole thing. Thanks for the great post!
Hey Shannon 🙂 Thanks very much for the comment. Yes, the reminders on formatting and editing reminded me also, I often struggle not to edit in the middle of a post. But when I just write it out all first and edit after, it’s much better! Nat
I like your website and awesome article God Bless You
Thank you 🙂
That’s really useful. I already list up more than 10 titles while reading your post. Thank you for great ideas.
Ah great, good it was useful 🙂