I’ve been looking into plenty of apps recently – apps that claim to help you make or save money online.
Unfortunately, for the most part, how much you can really make or save via apps – has been pretty minimal in my experience.
So, is Dosh App any different? Can Dosh App legitimately help you save money?
Well, there certainly has been a decent amount of hype surrounding this app in recent times. I had to go and take a closer look and see what it was all about.
Dosh App Review In Brief:
Company – Dosh: www.dosh.cash
Type of product: mobile app
Opportunity: saving money via cashback
Price: Free to join.
Overall rating: Legit! This app is currently only available in the US. If you’re in the UK, you may want to check out checkout smart, or receipt hog.
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What Is Dosh App About?
These sort of apps are pretty simple to understand. You make purchases from a whole variety of companies and DOSH will give you money back when you do. This is known as cashback.
Cashback in general is a good thing to make use of where you can, because it really is free money.
If you were going to go to some store or other ANYWAY and make a purchase, why not get money back? It’s a no-brainer.
The downside is often that the cashback you do get is minimal. So, it can take you a while to build up to anything really significant and this can sometimes make it feel like a waste of time.
In addition, having a cashback app can sometimes influence people to make purchases that they wouldn’t have anyway.
It’s a bit like advertising… you see there is a cashabck offer on some product and suddenly you realise you want or need it.
But maybe you don’t really need the product and, in any case, perhaps you could purchase it cheaper elsewhere. So, you have to be quite aware of this when you’re using apps like this.
Dosh App Looks Good… But What Do You Have To Do?
The Dosh App website looks slick and well designed… so does the App.
What you learn when you join is that you will have to connect a card to the account. This may be either a debit or credit card.
This immediately made me feel a bit uneasy and I’m sure many of you may feel the same way at first.
But having this feature saves you a lot of hassle that OTHER cashback apps normally entail.
For example; something like receipt hog, (that I have enjoyed using) requires you to upload your receipts by taking a photo of the receipt.
This whole process can get a bit tiresome after a while and sometimes, the photo will be incorrect and you may have to repeat the process.
So, the fact that Dosh App avoids this whole process definitely makes it look more attractive. Also, the App is completely secure and your card details are not at risk.
As an incentive, at the time of writing they also offer a $5 bonus just for signing up and linking up your card with them, which gives you an initial boost towards your first withdrawal.
Signing Up With Dosh App:
The sign up process is simple. You need to sign up with your mobile number.
You will be immediately sent a code from dosh app, you use this to verify your identity and your account.
You then simply fill out your name and email address & create a password.
You can then also allow Dosh App to locate you, this is helpful – as you can then see deals that are relevant to your location.
Linking Up A Card, Makes It Easy While Shopping…
When you link a debit or credit card to your account, Dosh App will automatically give you cashback on offers if you use your associated card to pay.
So, say there is a cashback offer running at Burger King one day – if you go and take advantage of that deal and pay with the card assoicated with the App, then your cashback will automatically appear in your account.
This is another perk of the app, it doesn’t just work in stores, but can also be used in restaurants.

Shopping Online With Dosh App:
You can also make use of offers online when using Dosh App. You’ll need to scroll through the offers available, when you see something that looks good, you click “shop now….”
Once you’ve linked to the shop via their link, the offer should be live and tracked when you make a transaction.
Some cashback offers can go up to 15%. But a lower range of between 3%-7% is more common.
While it’s not massive savings most of the time, it does add up over time and takes minimal effort to do so.
Referral Program:
A common way to get some extra cash from apps like these, is to recommend the app to people you know.
The rules can be subject to change, but it seems as though you could get $5 per referral – but they need to link up a card and earn cashback first.
Sometimes they could run promotions that increase the amount you get.
Also, if you have a blog, YouTube channel, or large social media following – it could be more of an opportunity for you to make more decent money from it.
Is Dosh App Good For Travellers?
If you’re big on travelling and stay in hotels frequently, then Dosh App could also help you save some money.
They have a large number of hotels that they have deals with.

You can search via location and see how much you can earn per night at each hotel.
That being said, you may want to check out the rates separately via a price comparison site, to ensure you’re really getting the best deal.
Dosh App Feedback Online:
Dosh has some pretty good feedback and reviews online.
The app has over 43k ratings via the appstore and currently has 4.5 stars on average.

Additionally, on google play, it has over 12k ratings, averaging 4.5 stars as well.

They don’t escape some complaints and criticism though and it would be pretty weird if there was nothing negative to say.
There were some common complaints that tended to repeat themselves. Some of these were:
- People finding it difficult too book hotels via the app. For example, the app not accepting payment, or the hotel price changing at the time of purchase.
- Some people complain of a lack of places they can use the app/ or lack of offers.
- Some complain they are not paid for referring people. This generally seems to be down to the link not tracking properly, Dosh App suggest it’s usually a human error involved.
In a majority of cases though, people seem to find it easy to use and a good way to save a bit of extra money.
Certainly there were some people that were impressed by the amount they’d made in a fairly short space of time.
Is Dosh App Legit – Should You Download It?
Yes it is! It also looks as though it’s only going to grow and improve from here on.
There is an increase in these sort of apps becoming available and they’re now becoming more sophisticated, making it far easier to save money using them.
The main issue that I see them face, is that many people may just feel uneasy linking up their cards with this app.
No matter what safety precautions they may have in place, for some people that guarantee will not be enough for them to join.
The great thing about this I feel, is that you could go out on a shopping spree without even realising you were going to get cashback and you could just generate cashback automatically.
Of course, you will be more successful getting cashback if you do check out the offers first – but it’s still a good feature that there is very little you have to do after linking a card up.
Beyond Cash Back Apps – Making Much More Long-Term:
Saving money online, or making a bit of extra pocket money just makes sense.
Why pay more, when it can be so easy to save a little?
However, there are many ways that you could also be making money online too, whether you’re just looking to make a little extra to cover some bills, or want to make more of a career of it in the long term.
I make the most online right now from a couple of websites I created.
There are various ways you can make money from a website, including sponsored posts, paid advertising and affiliate marketing as some of the main ones.I
That just about concludes my Dosh App review for today….
Have you had much experience with this, or other cashback apps? Let me know in the comments below.
All the best,

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