Is Be The Boss Network A Scam….?
While this isn’t an outright scam, they’re also not a business that I would trust. I explain why in some detail below.
So, let’s get started.
Review In Brief:
Product: Be The Boss Network
Price: Free
Overall Rating: Not recommended.
What Is Be The Boss Network? (BTBN)
Be the boss network (Or BTBN) is meant to help you start making money online by matching you with the perfect money-making opportunity for you.
However, this website focuses solely on Multilevel marekting opportunities (MLM).

Essentially, it is an online directory of MLM business opportunities and you are free to browse through them too.
I guess one good thing is they do have a star rated system, so you can see by scrolling through the many that have a low star rating.
Although, I imagine there could well be some fake positive reviews chucked in there too.
There are certainly plenty of people that consider all MLM’s as nothing more than legalised scams.
While I don’t brand all MLM’s as scams, there are a good deal of MLM’s out there that are and even those that are considered well-reviewed have a terrible success rate.
Only a very small percentage of anyone who signs up to an MLM opportunity will be a success and that’s for a variety of reasons.
In any case, “Be The Boss Network” have plenty of MLM scams on their database and have no problem sending you their way…. why? Well, in a majority of cases, they will receive a nice commission for recommending you if you sign up.
Part of the dishonesty in this business lies in the fact that they’re meant to be matching you with your ideal business opportunity. This is not their intention…
The truth is that the BTBN probably don’t even research these opportunities at all.
What will concern them, is how much commission they’ll receive if you sign up to a program and the bigger the commission they receive the better.
Making sure that their customers go to a reputable company is of no consequence.
The more I research and experience make money online products, the more amazed I become at the sheer amount of absolute trash out there.
There are so many disappointing businesses, products and schemes out there and the list just keeps growing.
Who are Be The boss network targeting?
They’re targeting anyone looking to make money from home, but who are particularly seeking out a multilevel marketing business.
It’s a nice idea to have all these businesses in one space so that it makes it simple to find the right one for you… if only you could rely on all of them being legitimate!
It all starts with an Email address…
Well, this is all free right? So, why wouldn’t you sign up?

Well, be warned because now BTBN have your contact details and can bombard you with relentless promotional emails, calls or mail.
If you check out their privacy policy, (and they’re hoping you’ll skip that part) you’ll discover that your information, (including your email/address and telephone number) will be sold to third parties!
So, the onslaught of SPAM begins.
>> Unsure about BE THE BOSS NETWORK? You Could try this instead!
- It’s a good idea having all these products in the one place. It would be a good recourse for newbies to be able to find a bunch of legitimate opportunities in one space – but that’s where it falls short.
- Once you’ve signed up, you’ll be dealing with the MLM company directly. Aside from an FAQ, you won’t get any direct support joining BTBN.
- BTBN do not care about the quality of the products they’re promoting, so you should not trust what they recommend to you. If you do still want to join an MLM program, be sure to research it first and not just rely on BTBN recommendation!
Is Be the Boss Network A scam?
This is company an outright scam – it’s unlikely they even research the MLM companies they include on their site, so will not know whether they’re legitimate or not.
They also have a star review system, so are relying on their members to review these opportunities. That said, some reviews may not be trustworthy.
Ultimately BTBN is not a company you can trust in my opinion and are not a company that are going to support you to find you “ideal opportunity,” or get started with your own business.
You cannot trust that whatever MLM they present you with is not a scam, because they have some scams right there, sitting on their database.
Make sure (if you have already given them your info) that you opt out before they pass your information on to third parties.
Things To Consider Before Joining An MLM:
If you’re still keen on multilevel marketing, then do your research – but do your research as far as MLM reviews and the success rates within the business.
Too many MLM’s are based on hype and false promises – they claim you’ll be your own boss, you’ll have the freedom to work when you want and they’ll have an exciting looking compensation plan that will make it look as though making big money will come easily…
Unfortunately, building an MLM business is far from easy and the chances of making any sort of reasonable money is very slim.
Generally, any products you’re meant to be selling are poor quality and overpriced and your real efforts will be put into recruiting others to join the business.
Being involved in an MLM means you’ll be required to be on the persistent hustle – whether that involves begging your friends and relatives to sign up, cold calling, or bombarding social media in desperation.
To succeed at an MLM you really have to live and breathe the business, you have to completely believe in it and appear passionate about selling the business.
MLM businesses will generally tell you that anyone can make a success of it, but really – you need to be a very particular type of person to make it work for you and that includes being really great at selling the business.
I’ve certainly been on the receiving end of “friends” trying to rope me into an MLM and they weren’t friends for much longer!
MLM will tell you to go to your friends and family first and that can really put a strain on relationships.
Most people are simply not interested in joining this type of business and they will not thank you for trying to introduce them to something than many people see in a negative light.
Alternative Ways To Make Money Online & From Home:
If you’re interested in looking for legitimate ways to make money, that don’t involve selling to your friends or family, (unless you want to of course) there are still plenty of opportunities.
Check out my 40+ ways to make your first dollar online.
Alternatively, if you’re looking to build up an income long-term: check out this training.
All the best… 🙂
Thank you for your honest review, I knew theres someone out there who really made a review not to sell. Anyway I find so many success blogger,and theyre all from wealthy affiliate,..can I ask, could WA teach me a step by step guide on content blogging?and other thing is, I don’t know my english profficiency because its not my native language(asian here). Can i still have a success despite of my english?
Hey there, thanks for stopping by to comment – Wealthy Affiliate has core training that teaches you step-by-step how to create a website/find a niche/write blogs and how to then earn via affiliate marketing. They then have live training and a large video training library, which teaches a variety of other methods and tips to help you grow and advance your business. I personally know of several people who have been successful and are not native English speakers, so it’s no barrier to entry. Also, the more you practice, the easier that becomes. You just want to write content as though you’re talking to a friend anyway, you don’t need to be perfect at English! I hope that helps! Nat