What Is Humanatic? Is This A Legit Work From Home Opportunity?
Are you looking to work anywhere in the world, have location independence and choose the hours that you work? Well… wouldn’t we all?
Today I’m looking into a company that appears to offer that option, although on closer inspection, it is not the opportunity I hoped it would be.
The whole idea of the business is fine in theory, but there are many reasons why it’s not a good way for most people to make money online, (which I will outline in a moment!).
Humanatic Review In Brief:
Company: Humanatic (https://www.humantic.com)
Money Making Opportunity: $1-$4.50 per hour – (But according to reviews, it appears far less and calls can be difficult to get consistently, as they aren’t available all the time).
Cost: Free to sign up.
Overall Verdict: Humanatic is Legitimate… although, not recommended for most people, (see my conclusion for further info).
Be cautious, people have had some negative experiences online with this company and the pay is also extremely low.
Despite the negative feedback online, some people do really enjoy the work and it could make a change from some of the other low-pay options online.
…. I’d suggest that if you check it out, proceed with caution and don’t expect much!
What Is Humanatic About?
You know when you’re on the phone and they happen to mention that the phone call is currently being recorded?
Well, that’s what Humanatic do. By recording calls for businesses and analysing them, they can help companies improve their customer service.
Humanatic have 50,000 freelances working for them, from all over the globe.
You can sign up with them for free and fit the work around your own schedule, (which seems good in theory…….).
With the software they provide, you can even work from your phone, or tablet. So, it gives you some scope to work from anywhere.
You listen to recorded calls and then provide Humanatic with the answers they need, to provide a useful analyses that they can pass on to their clients.
Along with recorded data they get from the calls, they combine this with your answers to certain questions in order to provide an in depth report, which can give clients helpful suggestions for how they can improve their businesses.
You must have a verified PayPal account to sign up, which is fairly common these days. This is how you will be paid.

Do You Have To Work Set Hours?
You can login and review calls whenever you choose to, at any time of day. Humanatic suggest that they receive the most calls between 7am-7pm US Eastern Standard Time – so, this will give you the most opportunity to make money.
You will need to make $10 before you can withdraw your earnings via PayPal.
How Do You Sign Up?
Signing up seems very simple to do. The main criteria appears to be that you have a PayPal account.
You don’t need any qualifications, but how well you do at answering their questions related to the calls, will determine how much you ultimately get paid.
How Much Money Can You Make?
If you check out the Humanatic FAQ section, they state honestly how much you can earn.
According to their website, you can between $1-$4.50 and this could vary depending on how skilled you are.
You start off on what they describe as “easy categories…” Once they assess how accurate you are, you can move on to the higher paying categories.
They they don’t give further information about how long this will take, or what level of accuracy they are looking for in any detail.
At first glance, I had thought this looked like a reasonable opportunity. But $1 an HOUR?
Even some survey sites could pay more than that.
Although, I imagine this could still be more enjoyable.
It’s a shame the income opportunity here is so low and I am left wondering just how long it would take to work up to that measly $4.50 an hour… or, exactly how many of their workers reach that level….
Another issue is, it’s not like you can just log on and start earning non-stop. You have to wait for calls and they don’t come through all the time.
So, you will have to wait and keep refreshing to check if other calls come in. This is all time when you’re not getting paid anything at all.
One perk here though, is they do pay Weekly. So, if you’re earning over that $10 threshold each week, you could withdraw if you wanted to.
Have you worked with Humanatic? Why not share your story & help others below!

What Do Other People Say About Humanatic?
Unfortunately, there are a lot of negative reviews online against this company, which was a shame to discover.
When I initially saw what the company offered, I thought it looked like it could be a good pocket-money opportunity and at least a step-up from online paid surveys!
But, now it looks as though there are a lot of negatives.
Glassdoor reviewers give it an average of just 1.9 stars out of 5, at the time of writing.

Largely, reviewers complain about the extremely low rate of pay, as well as having their money taken away for inaccuracies…
They whether something is inaccurate or not, seems to be somewhat dependent on who ever is assessing the work – some claim the auditors are biased.
SiteJabber only has 13 reviews at the time of writing and on average, they score it 2.5 out of 5.

Again, complaints mainly mention how the income opportunity is so low and it takes a long while simply to reach the $10 threshold.
They also say that there are not enough calls, which is something I have also seen mentioned frequently.
It seems like a good thing that you can login whenever you want, but if the work isn’t available then it’s just going to be a waste of your time and you’ll be spending time waiting for calls without actually being paid anything.
There are people claiming this company is a scam because their accounts were deactivated, or that they had money withdrawn from their accounts.
However, this could be because they withdraw money when they feel you’ve given an inaccurate answer and could close your account if they feel you’re trying to make the money dishonestly, without following their rules & regulations.
Always make sure you check their guidelines.
- You can choose your own hours, working whenever you choose to login.
- If you’re in a country where the dollar is worth more to you, this could be a reasonable option.
- Some reviewers find the work fun & easy.
- You can get bonus payments now and again.
- The pay is very low. They claim you could start on just $1 an hour initially. You may only get 0.5 cents a call and you won’t know how long each call could potentially be.
- They take money off if they feel your answers are inaccurate.
- Sometimes calls can be cut off during the conversation and you will not be compensated.
- Some claim they had their accounts closed without warning and no explanation.
- Some claim errors are flagged incorrectly.
- The website can be slow.
So, Are Humanatic Legit?
From what I can gather, Humanatic are not a scam.
Although, there are certainly people out there that feel they are a scam.
From my perspective, they aren’t conducting themselves professionally and have plenty of negative points against them, which don’t make them an appealing prospect.
For example; I noticed on their main site they are missing some of the key pages that all legitimate websites should have… such as their privacy policy page/disclaimer or about us section.
Generally, when I see websites without these things, it can be a red flag.
The only links they have on their main page is their login option, start here and FAQ…
But nothing that gives you much more information, which doesn’t look very good to any prospective workers.
What I will say, is that are pretty open about the fact that this is a small income opportunity. They’re not claiming you’re going to be able to pull in a full time income from this.
That being said, they do say that if you’re patient you can achieve “great things….”.… I’m not sure just how great you’re going to be able to make it, making a max of $4.50 an hour :-o…
If you are going to look into this opportunity at all, you have several other income options on the go. For example, maybe you’ve tried Usability Testing, (check out various companies here).
Or perhaps you’re looking into various other ways you could make money online.
This could just be another way to start building up an income, in addition to other side lines.
For example; while I’ve been building up my affiliate marketing income from my blogs, that’s exactly what I’ve been doing too – just looking into any legitimate ways I can find, to boost my income.
This opportunity is really best for people in countries where the US dollar is worth a lot more. If that applies to you, then this could be worth checking out.
Beyond The Small Time Income Opportunities:
There are so many people online making hundreds…thousands… millions of dollars online every month. The internet has people working on a diverse range of incomes, just like in the real world!
Yet so often, it seems to be portrayed as either people are making nothing… or they’re super rich.
That’s just not the case and there is much more opportunity than that.
I’ve been scanning the internet for ways to make and save money for several years now and I still find that ONE way beats them all in terms of longevity.
That’s affiliate marketing and earning from a blog in general.
Having a blog or website gives you so many opportunities to make money in the long term.
Whether it’s from paid advertising, sponsored posts, or recommending other products or services…
Having your own little space on the internet is something that will build in value over time and could provide you with an ongoing income for many years into the future.
I don’t want to make out like it’s an easy thing to do – it does take a lot of work.
But it is worth it in comparison to other opportunities online, where you are largely just exchanging your time for money.
If you’d like to learn how to make more online, this is where I started, (and you can check it all out for free!!).
That concludes my Humanatic review, please leave me a comment below if you have any questions!
All the best,

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