Hey, welcome to my MSR App review today – an App I recently downloaded from the App store – around two weeks ago now!
I left it to settle a while after I completed all their profiling questionnaires, because there were immediate surveys for me to complete.
I didn’t hold high hopes about this app – because I’ve been disappointed by a so many make money apps over the years.
Well, despite discovering some fairly mixed reviews for this App, I personally found it did have some good features and stood out from various others I have tried.
MSR App Getting Started:
As most survey Apps should be, this is free to download from the App store or Google play.
Simply download directly and enter a password and your email address to get started.
You can then opt into receiving notifications and you need to confirm your email before you get started.
Unfortunately, you won’t have tonnes of paid surveys to do right away. You first need to answer loads of profiling questionnaires.
These can really take a while. I completed every one in a single go and it took me 30 minutes in total. Although honestly… It felt like a lot longer!
After this, I felt a bit frustrated – I still wasn’t sure what surveys would be on offer, or how I would get paid at this point.
Yet, I already seemed to have wasted a lot of time and had not made a penny yet.
How Much Do You Need To Cash Out With MSR?
In order to cash-out your earnings on this APP, you will need a minimum of £10 to withdraw. I see it in pounds, because I’m in the UK.
I’m unsure if this APP is available in the US or other countries at the moment.
In any case, there were lots of gift cards to choose from and you can redeem in either £10, £25 or £50 vouchers.
In order to cash out you save up “MSR,” points and these have a value. You can see some of the voucher options in the image below.

What Are The MSR Surveys Like?
Well, at first, I couldn’t tell you – because I didn’t receive any whatsoever.
A couple of days later, I still couldn’t see anything and pretty much forgot all about it, but I still left it on my phone to check back on at a later day.
Then, a couple of weeks later, I had a look again and some short surveys were available!!! Woohoo…
I’m very pleased to report – they were good.
I don’t say *great* easily here – I say it because I am used to spending hours trying to complete a stupid surveys for pennies and it being difficult to scrape together any case doing these things.
However, THIS was not difficult, it was was really simple and, most importantly, QUICK!
You get the chance to connect with some other survey providers, like pollfish and you also complete these directly on the App.
They seem to conform to the same brief short times that the others do, (even though that’s not typically been my experience with Pollfish).
The first survey said it would take 3 minutes – but it must have only taken me 1 really.

The first survey I had, was simply about using screenshots on your mobile phone – how often you use them and for what purpose.
The questions were a bit different from the typical boring survey questions and used.
Once it was complete – I immediately received some MSR points! No waiting time!!

After completing a few of these simple surveys, I ended up with just under £1.
While I did take a few surveys for that, they were incredibly quick.
But unlike many surveys where qualifying for them can seem impossible and you constantly get thrown off…. I didn’t get thrown off any of these.
These were just short and to the point. at no stage did I feel I wouldn’t be able to complete the survey.
Just be cautious not to rush through this – they do have the odd question to catch you out.
I can understand that my opinion may not be shared by everyone and that’s why I was quite surprised to see this only had 3.4 stars so far on the app store.
It only just has over 3.0 stars on Google play too!!! So, what’s going on?
MSR Reviews Online:
It seems there are a few main reasons for the average reviews of this App, including the following:
- Not having enough surveys available.
- A bug – whereby payment isn’t updated.
- Another bug – where points made via connected survey panels, doesn’t update.
I personally experienced having no surveys after filling out their initial profiling questionnaires, so I understand that some people could have just given up at that stage.

Despite the mixed feedback via Google Play and the App Store about this App, one review I saw on Google Play stood out to me….

I agree with Clayton above – that so many Apps say they provide short surveys but when you actually do them, they’re incredibly long.
Not so here.
When they say a survey is 3 minutes – that’s more than likely an overestimate.
He says he continuously gets new jobs well… So, far that hasn’t been the case for me.
update: currently still have no jobs available and that’s been the case for several days.
So, the lack of surveys is a frustration – but if they can ramp that up, then I think this one is a good option for people looking for paid surveys.
MSR Review Conclusion – Is It Legit?
I took a while to complete this review, because I wanted to keep checking back, in case I got more surveys/jobs available.
Unfortunately, after I made that initial £1, no other surveys/jobs have been available since.
I’m really hoping more will be updated soon, as I loved how short these surveys were.
Due to the fact these surveys were only a few minutes and a bit different from the norm – I’m still going to rank this review as positive for now!
What do you think about the MSR App…. Have you tried it?
If you have, please share your experience in the comments below.
Beyond Apps – Better ways To Make More?
You’re rarely going to make much more than some extra change with Apps like this, or survey panels in general.
I’ve wanted for years now to build up an income online that will allow me to work online & not be location dependent.
These are some of the side hustles that have worked for me.
There are so many ways to make money online these days, but you won’t just rake in the profits instantly – it can take a lot of work before you start seeing results.
One of the first ways I made money online, was from blogging & affiliate marketing. I took the free training here.
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