So, you’re looking for ways to get-rich-quick…From home…. In your PJ’s… Drinking beer, (may as well…)
Join the queue!
Bu don’t you think that if there was a legitimate way that someone, (or anyone) could get-rich-quick, with minimum time and effort involved and that they actually told anyone… everyone would be doing it!
If anyone online is trying to tell you that you can get rich quickly from home, you’re diving head first into a scam.
However, for a laugh… I thought I would come up with some easy ways you can get-rich-quick online.
Obviously, I am being sarcastic. Please don’t follow this advice.
Stick around until the end where I will link you up to some info that may ACTUALLY be useful to you. I hope you enjoy it!
5 Ways To Get Rich From Home, in your PJS, drinking beer… let’s rock & roll…
1. Hire a Lamborghini, everyone wants a Lambo.
Rent out a mansion somewhere awesome for the night and pretend it’s your house. Set up a YOUTUBE video telling people how you made your fortune online with a secret system….
Have a cheap hook to get them in of around $40. Have upsells into the tens of thousands of dollars. Spin some crap training and make it seem like it’s actually going to change people’s lives.
Add in a lot of mindless, motivational nonsense. Get people to sell YOUR secret system to other desperate cash seekers for a cut of the profits.
Secretly switch their affiliate links with your own, (Ooopsie)…. Dem suckers ain’t gonna take your dough!
2. Set up another cheap video online…
Hire a voice over guy from that sounds like he does movie trailers.
Buy a list of emails from people from a shady internet marketer who are into buying get-rich-quick schemes. Have a whole sob story planned that he can reel off for an hour – the cheesier the better.
The guy should say that this is a secret video that will only be up for a short while… the video has been leaked!
He says he will reveal information that will make you rich beyond your dreams.
The voice over guy will say they have created an AUTOMATED SYSTEM… it’s actually a binary options robot that will trade on autopilot with over 99% accuracy, (HAHA).
Claim it’s all free, but when they sign up surprise them that they need at least $200 to get started, (ensure them they will get their money back). Simply pocket the cash…. Switch names/URLs regularly to avoid being caught.
3. Set up a good old-fashioned pyramid scheme – but disguise it as an MLM.
Have kids online try to sell cheap crap digital products to their friends and bring their friends and family into the business, to do the same.
If you could try to put some sort of motivational spin on it, that would be ideal. Tell the kids they don’t need University or a stupid job…. jobs are for suckers!
Kids will lose plenty of their friends and family members from trying to rope them into a pyramid scheme…. but that’s OK!
This is just part and parcel of running a scam. Suck it up!
Whatever you do, make sure you take the money and run before the FTC closes you down.
4. Gather up a big list of online paid survey companies, (that are completely free to join) and stick them up on a website.
Get people to PAY money to access your website, which contains this list of sites.
Become an affiliate to all these survey companies, so that every time people sign up through your website, you make a commission.
Sell them some story that you make THOUSANDS online just from taking these online surveys and that you are going to reveal to them the highest paying surveys online to them if they join your site…you could even throw in a monthly fee. Bonus.
Get tonnes of hungry affiliates to sell this product for you, to unsuspecting newbies online.
5. Set up a YOUTUBE channel that is solely dedicated to POSITIVELY reviewing as many get-rich-quick scam schemes as you can.
Ensure you have YOUR affiliate link tacked on the end of every video you do. People just love to sign up to any program that promises EASY money, so you’ll be totally made!
🙂 There we have it. The best part is, you could do any one of those things drunk.
Obviously, I don’t actually recommend you do any of those things in reality!
But it was quite fun to write about it….
Because, I come across these things on a daily basis and it’s quite shocking the lengths people will go for money.
These people prey on the weak and vulnerable – they are LOOKING for people that are desperate for money. They don’t care if you are severely in debt and struggling to provide for your family.
Some of these people could look like the least threatening people too. You may listen to their videos and they may seem genuine, you may find yourself liking them.
It makes it even more of a harder pill to swallow – because not all money-thieving sociopaths look like you expect them to. Appearances can be deceiving.
The amount of scams online is hard to comprehend. Even legitimate ways to make money online are often very over hyped.
I could barely believe my eyes when I came across a UK paper online that wrote an article today, (which inspired me to write this post)….
It was entitled: “How to get-rich-quick from home .. Six easy ways to make more money in 2018.”
A little down on the list, the writer included taking SURVEYS!
They suggest joining sites like Slicethepie (which I wrote about here) to make money.
It’s a legitimate site, but I promise you, you will not make very much at all on that website. Even if you stayed on it all day!
I mean, if an actual newspaper is writing this crap, (albeit, the Daily Star…) what chance to people have!?
Just in case you were unsure… you can NOT get rich from doing online surveys. I must have reviewed hundreds of them by now.
You can make a little extra pocket money online doing them, but you’ll be lucky to earn a couple of bucks per HOUR.
You can also save money on a lot of these sites… by getting cashback, completing free trials offers & surfing the web at places like Swagbucks.
But, if it’s a proper income you’re after – you will be wasting your time signing up to survey sites!
So, before I end this post – I will link you to some of my more useful posts … that could potentially help you to make money online in the long term.
I want to be clear, NONE of the following ways will make you rich quick.
It could take months before you even see a little bit of money coming in and, in some cases, one, two, or three years to quit your day job, (for most people).
It really depends on how much work you do put in though. I have been quite amazed at the speed that some determined people reach a full income online, (but I’m talking many months/a year or more, not days or weeks!).
But… part of the beauty in having success, is the climb! (At least… that’s what I tell myself).
No seriously. Getting what you perceive as success isn’t always the best part. The whole journey is.
If you really want to make money long-term online, you do have to have a strong resolve and mindset to make it happen.
Are you able to motivate yourself, without someone else, (like a boss) constantly on your back? Because, a lot of people would struggle to motivate themselves day in and day out for many months and years into the future.
I would say it’s one of the key problems that stops people eventually from succeeding. It’s the taking consistent action part that many people seem to fail at.
That being said, you will only really know for sure, if you try. Right?
Here are a bunch of posts that could help you….
- 40+ ways to make your first dollar online.
- How to make $100+ a day online.
- 14 ways to make money from a WordPress site.
- How to make your first affiliate sale online.
- How to make money from a simple website or blog
Have you fallen for a get-rich-quick scheme?! Let me know in the comments below, I’d love to hear from you.
If you liked this article…. please give it a share! You can save a PIN below for Pinterest too. 🙂
All the best,
What a great post! When I read the title, I was immediately thinking of scams! There are thousands of scams out there and so many have fallen for them.
I am happy that I have not been prey for any of those.
Getting rich quickly is not really possible. If it would be, many people would be rich! Every serious business takes time.
I am sure it must have been fun to write this post and make up great ways to make millions in no time.
Hey Oscar, thank you – I’m glad you enjoyed it lol 🙂