I missed out an income report again but I am thinking of making a habit of it actually. Maybe I will do them every two months, I will see how it goes. This time, I don’t have totally separate June post, so am combining them into one post and one video and one post. I […]
Creating Consistent Coloring Book Pages With Midjourney V5.2
As Midjourney advances so fast, it can be hard to keep up with all the updates. There is no way around it, I will need to update information as it comes. I created a YouTube video a while back about how to create consistent storybook characters in Midjourney, that you could use for KDP. But […]
Amazon KDP Income Report April 2023
I completely missed putting my KDP April income report on YouTube, or on my blog! I’m not going go into the all the reasons why in this post, but I have talked previously about struggling to manage YouTube and the blog on top of the other things I’m trying to do. I decided to spend […]
Amazon KDP Printing Cost Increase June 20th 2023
Amazon KDP have just announced that they will be rolling out a new printing cost increase on June 20th 2023. This cost will directly effect your KDP royalties. How much this will effect them, will depend on various factors. Such as the trim size, whether it’s a paperback or hardback, colour or black and white. […]
6 Signs You’re Self Sabotaging Your KDP Online Business.
Do you think you might be suffering with self sabotage and potentially sabotaging your online business? I’m talking specifically KDP here because that is my main source of income these days; but what I discuss here could relate to practically anything in your life that you’re trying to achieve. For me, self-sabotage has been present […]