Is Cash For Steps Legit… Can You Really Get Paid To Walk? I have checked out several Apps that reward you both for running and walking in the past. While browsing the App store – I came across another I’d not come across before called, “Cash For Steps.” While it may have the word, “CASH,” […]
Is Mistplay Legit: Can You Get Paid To Play Games?
Today, I’m writing a review of MistplayApp – an app that claims you can earn rewards for playing games. But is Mistplay legit… can you really make money playing games & if you can, how much can you expect to earn? I’ve reviewed a tonne of different Apps on this blog and some of them are […]
Slice The Pie App Review: Can You Make Money Listening To Music?
I joined Slice The Pie several years back now and wrote an in depth review back then – but I’d never actually tried the App. It was sometime later that I even saw there was an App. I presumed it was new because Slice The Pie still say in their T&C’s that they don’t have […]
ProductTube Review: Is It Legit?
Recently, I have been on the look out for new Apps that could help make you money with your smartphone. However, not just any-old survey type Apps. I’ve been looking for something similar to something like voxpopme, where video is involved. After a little searching, I stumbled upon this App that I hadn’t seen before […]
Use App Review – Live More Pay Less?
I thought I’d write this Use App review today – because it is a brand new and currently available in the UK – on the App Store and Google Play. How useful it is at the time of writing, is going to vary depending on your location…! But worry not, it’s free to download and […]