This App happens to be perfect for me.
I’ve been looking for a way to encourage me to get back to running seriously again.
Last night I signed up to a 10k and half marathon race and now I’m all signed with RunBet, just to give me that extra nudge to ensure I keep up with my training runs!
But what is Runbet? And how exactly can you make money? I will answer these questions and more today, in my RunBet review.
Throughout this post, I’m going to be covering the topics below:
- What is RunBet, how does it work?
- Signing up with RunBet.
- Types of games and rules.
- General rules of RunBet.
- What do other people think of RunBet?
- Is RunBet Worth It?
- It RunBet Legit?
- Other Ways To Make More Online.
What Is Runbet & How Does It Work?
This App is somewhat similar to Apps like “Healthywage,” (where you can win money for losing weight).
It’s similar in that you need to make a pledge – you need to commit to paying a certain amount of money to achieve a goal.
In this case, it’s running – and if you stick to the rules, you get your money back + a profit.

You get the chance to join games and each game has certain rules.
For example; I’m joining a game that requires you to run a minimum of 30 minutes, 4 times a week, with a minimum of 18 minute mile pace.
Now, an 18 minute mile, is practically walking.
So, this is an extremely easy pace as a minimum and means it’s entirely possible for any fitness level to participate.
Most challenges seem to be priced between $30 and $40 and this is a payment you need to make upfront.
You have to commit and make the payment, prior to completing the challenge….
It’s only if you succeed, that you’ll ever see your money again!
But you’ll only make a profit if SOME people fail and don’t complete the game properly, or are disqualified.
It appears that a majority of people do complete the challenges, but a small number don’t manage it, for whatever reason.
Consequently, you’re not going to make tonnes of money here and may only make a couple of dollars profit if you win the challenge.
The incentive behind it is really to encourage you to stick to your running goals and avoid losing money!
On this basis, I think it’s an awesome idea and I already love this app!
It’s gotten me to feel more excited about the prospect of running again and I feel it’s going to help me to keep on track and not make excuses to skip training!

Signing Up With RunBet:
You don’t need to pay any money to actually sign up – so, you can check it all out for free first and see if it’s something you’re interested in.
Simply download the App from the Appstore or Google Play to get started.
You can start browsing games right away and you don’t need to provide payment details, until you participate in a game.
You can even go and check out games beforehand, directly on their website here and see if there is anything that stands out to you!
Pin Me For Later! 🙂

Types Of Games & Rules:
There is a variety of different games that you can choose from, with different aims.
But there were some key types of games that stood out to me, as I browsed the platform.
- Training games, that lead up to particular distance, (5k, 10k, half marathon etc…).
- Beginner runner games, that gradually increase in distance.
- Running for a set number of days per week… Typically- 4 days a week, 30 minutes each run.
- Running to lose weight… and so on!
It’s important to pay attention to the rules of the game, as each individual game will have its own rules to follow.
Once you decide on your game, you can simply click the link to join the game and you then need to pay your bet.

General Rules of RunBet To Keep In Mind….
As well as the rules in each individual game, RunBet also has some further rules and conditions that you should pay attention to.
Ensure you read these too, but here are some rules and conditions that stuck out to me….
- Only one qualified training run PER day, can be counted.
So, if you have to run 30 minutes in one day – you can’t run 15 minutes in the morning and 15 in the evening, it has to be during one run.
- You can run outside and track your runs using Runkeeper, (like me) Garmin connect, or Strava.
- You can also run on a running machine, but will need to take a photo of your results on the machines on the day of your run, PLUS a “sweaty selfie.”
- You can only play one game at a time.
- You can NOT get paid your winnings back to a credit card.
- You can withdraw your winnings as soon as the bet is complete, it may take up to 2 days to reach you & you can withdraw via PayPal or debtit card, (but it usually faster).
What Do People Think About RunBet?
RunBet has a lot of good feedback online, at the time of writing.
It currently has 4 stars on the App store.

It also currently holds just under 4 stars on average, over at Google Play.
To be honest, I was kind of surprised why it didn’t have 5 stars….
So, what were some of the complaints?
I found one complaint that asked why all the runs seem to focus on four days a week…
What about people that run long miles, but only at weekends?
I can totally understand this criticism.
For example; throughout all my training over the years, (including marathons!) I have only ever run three times per week.
But when I was looking for runs, they all seemed to be for four runs per week.
In my own case, I’d wanted to up my running anyway and so, this seemed like the perfect opportunity, but not all people will feel that way.
The RunBet team replied to this criticism and said they’d pass it on, so I feel this could well change in future.

(image from – Google Play).
Some other complaints included…
- The amount of money RunBet keep of the profit, (15%).
- Runs not being logged.
- Having log in issues.
- The App not syncing with certain other devices…. (Not really a reason to give a bad review IMO!).
- The winnings being low & therefore – not worth it to them.
People are always going to have some complaints, but generally, most people found the App enjoyable and motivational.
- Good way to get motivated to run & reach your goals.
- The risk of losing your bet may keep you running, (when you could have made excuses otherwise).
- A way to add a bit more fun into your runs.
- You win a small profit over your bet.
- Free to download.
- Easy to join.
- A variety of different games/challenges to participate in.
- They pay out via PayPal or Debit.
- You can link up with Runkeeper, Garmin connect or Strava.
- If everyone wins a game, RunBet don’t take a 15% cut and so… As long as you win, you will ALWAYS win your money back!
- Some have complained of the odd glitch.
- You won’t win much money.
- You could lose money, if you don’t stick to the rules.
- At the time of writing, most challenges involve 4 runs a week. Aside from one that starts with 3 and progresses to 4.
- RunBet take 15% of the winnings… wahhh!

RunBet – Is It Worth It?
If you’re looking for an App that can make you some extra money… while doing something that you love…
NO… This isn’t it, because you may only make a couple of dollars!
From my perspective, it’s the fear of losing your bet that will keep you going, not the promise of winning anything.
If you’re already a dedicated runner and you really don’t need any extra motivation to run, then this probably isn’t the App for you.
However, if you’re the type of person who constantly skips runs and will make any excuse to not get out there, then this app may well be beneficial.
I had some surgery last year that meant I was not allowed to run for at least six weeks.
Ever since, I’ve found it difficult to feel motivated to get back to a proper training schedule and so, this idea helped me to make the leap into training.
Maybe it can help you too! 🙂
Is RunBet Legit?
I noticed a comment from somebody on GooglePlay, suggesting RunBet was a scam just because they take 15% of the winning pot.
How do you think these people develop these Apps and run them… You think they can just do it all for free?
Of course, they need find some way of raising money to cover the costs.
Perhaps they could do it with a lower percentage and perhaps this fee will reduce in size as the App grows, (I don’t know… but it’s possible).
This is definitely not an option for someone who is hoping to make a lot of money running.
Nor for someone who can’t afford to risk losing $30 or $40.
Nor someone who is really not committed to the task, (you want to be pretty sure that you can get your money back, right?).
One good thing to remember is, if everyone playing WINS, RunBet forfeit their 15%.
So, if you’re a winner, you will AT LEAST always get your money back!!!
If You’re Interested In Making MORE Money…..
I’ve reviewed many Apps online that claim to make or save you money.
Generally, at best you’ll be making pocket money… At best.
But, there are legitimate ways you can make much more than that.
For example; I make money from running my own website and others via earning Ad revenue & affiliate marketing.
If you’d like to learn how to do the same, I recommend you get started here.
You may also like, this post sharing 40+ ways you can make money online.
I hope you found this RunBet review useful – feel free to share your own experiences, in the comment section below.
All the best,

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