Today I’m looking at a website that claims you can win free prizes – but is it for real?
Is PrizeGrab a fake scam? Or a legit platform where people win real prizes?
If you’re looking for a way to potentially win prizes and make money for free online; there are ways you can do that.
Although, when it comes to free online Sweepstakes, many people are understandably suspicious of scams.
I’ve experienced many online scams when it comes to prize draws – So, you’re right to be checking this place out before you sign up.
For me, there are some red flags for here – including; millions of visitors to their site each month and only a small number of winners!?
Also, you have no idea what your odds of winning really are and a high risk of SPAM if you hand your details over.
I will explain all this during the course of this post.
PrizeGrab Review In Brief:
Website: https://prizegrab.com
Cost: Free to join.
Money Making Opportunity: Possibility to win prizes – but v.slim.
Verdict: Hard to tell. Odds of winning are not known, but it would seem the odds are heavily stacked against you.
(Read on to know what what I mean!). If you HAVE won with PrizeGrab, (or not!). Please leave me a comment below!
Tip – if you want to make 100’s or 1000’s of dollars per month, paid surveys don’t work! You can learn to make more here.
What Is PrizeGrab About?
PrizeGrab is a website where you can enter online Sweepstakes, to be in with a chance of winning prizes.
The prizes are wide and varied – anything from tech items, gift cards, appliances and even cash.
I will mention now that this website is only open to US citizens – so, if you’re from elsewhere in the world, you won’t be able to sign up here.
If you’re still interested in winning cash prizes online, you may want to check out HQ trivia App, or Big Time Cash.
$10,000 Giveaway Via PrizeGrab: Is This A Real Winner?
This website caught my eye because entering sweepstakes/draws online was the first way that I made money online.
But these are the sorts of sites that I would have avoided.
I would tend to go to individual businesses and companies online directly, mainly as there are lots of scam sites online.
I’d heard many people complain about the odds of winning on sites similar to this.
In addition to this, entering Sweepstakes is really just a numbers game.
People that really do well may enter hundreds a day – so, just relying on this one site wouldn’t give you much chance!
At my most active point, I would enter thousands of sweepstakes/prize draws each and every month. Yup – thousands!
The chances of winning are always slim, so just entering a few here and there won’t give you a good chance.
In any case, I was interested to look into this website and see what people were saying about it.

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How Does PrizeGrab Work?
PrizeGrab has a simple and easy to navigate website, signing up and entering these sweepstakes is very easy.
Signing up is free to do and the only information they require is your name and email address.
From there you literally can just click and enter what you want. All sounds good, but is there a catch?
Even if it’s quick to enter these draws, is it worth your time to do so?
The key questions for me are – are REAL people winning prizes and, if so, what are the odds that you could win via PrizeGrab?
Have you ever won with PrizeGrab? Leave me a comment below!

Caution: PrizeGrab May Sell Your Contact Details & Be Secretly Selling To You Too!
It’s worth mentioning that in their privacy policy, they do mention that they could share, (sell) your contact information with third parties.
This is generally the case with sites like this and is how they will make a chunk of their money.
But it’s worth noting that you could then an increase in SPAM…
(which is why I always set up a completely separate email account whenever entering sweepstakes online).

It’s also worth knowing that they could collect your personal address and contact telephone numbers, via any registration forms or online surveys you complete via the website.
But in addition to this, they say that they help other companies generate sales to their products but offering them exposure and essentially, advertising, by offering the products as prizes.
While this is true, the way they’re generating this exposure, is also by targeting you individually as a potential customer.
Since, they also have your information and have cookies set to track your behaviour online.
You may not notice when you see a related Ad pop up on Facebook or via an email online, that they’ve been tracking your habits online in order to make predictions about what you may purchase.

What Are The Odds Of You Winning?
Entering might be easy to do, but if the chance of you winning a $10 gift card is 1 in a million, you probably wouldn’t waste your time entering would you?
What would be helpful would be something like a little counter above the sweepstake, letting you know how many people have joined.
Some Sweepstakes do actually have this set up, however many wouldn’t really want you to know how many entrants there are, or it could just put you off.

This is the case with PrizeGrab. Via their FAQ section, the below message is posted regarding what the odds of winning are:

As you can see from above, they don’t actually give you a straight answer.
But they have a valid reason of sorts and that’s that every sweepstake you enter will have totally different odds.
Some Sweepstakes only run for a few days, whereas others may run for a few months.
Some Sweepstakes will undoubtedly be more popular than others as well.
However, they could at least give you a ball park figure, depending on the type of contest… or examples of previous contests!
You should also know that, PrizeGrab have had a very small amount of winners, in contrast to the amount of visitors to their site every month.
Under 3000 prize winners ever, (if you look at their winners page on their website)…
Vs 4 million visitors PER MONTH to their website!!!
That should give you some indication of your chance of winning a prize!!
PrizeGrab Complaints:
Unfortunately, since they give your personal details out to third parties, they can get into the wrong hands.
It appears that some scammers online use PrizeGrabs name in order to scam people out of further personal details or cash, in return for their “prize.”
This isn’t PrizeGrab themselves, but is the result of them selling on your information.

They do have some information about this via the PrizeGrab website, where they share a bunch of advice about how to avoid being scammed.

Some other common complaints regarding PrizeGrab are:
- Receiving Spam, (this is why you should use a separate email at least).
- The winners having fake sounding names, (some people do use made up names on sites like this however).
- Small amount of winners.
- Possibility that some of the Sweepstakes could be fraudulent and they do warn of this on their website.
- Apparently sometimes the same person has won several times in a row, (according to reports). This would be HIGHLY unlikely, considering the low chance of winning here.
- Some say that you can continue entering even when you aren’t actually logged in, so how does it know who you are – or does this just show that you’re never really entering anything?
- They don’t respond to do-not-track cookies… this means they’re actually tracking your behaviour online and getting information about you.
Is PrizeGrab Just A Fake Scam Site?
I can’t say for sure that this website is deceiving you, but there are certainly warning signs that this website is not what it appears.
It’s also clear that they are benefiting from your personal information, as well as likely selling your email address on to third parties.
So, you should be wary about where your details could be sent to and I think they should make this information more transparent.
You should also make sure you delete your cookies regularly if you are visiting sites like this.
One thing is certain, the chance of winning the prizes will be very slim indeed and there are better ways of entering sweepstakes online than sites like this.
(look out for Sweepstake/competition forums online, they can be some of the best places).
Beyond Reward Sites… Making More?
I used to spend hours every day entering Sweepstakes and prize draws and I did win some good prizes, but not really enough to warrant the amount of time I spent on it!
I decided to find other ways to make additional money online, in order to eventually build up different income streams.
The idea is that, over time, these little streams build up into something significant.
One of my current income streams is via affiliate marketing and that’s currently how I make the most online right now.
I had zero technical knowledge when I started and was a total beginner. I started learning here.
They have a bunch of training & it’s very beginner friendly.
Have you had any experience with PrizeGrab? Whether good or bad, I’ve love to know! Leave me a comment below!
I won a Nintendo Switch on PrizeGrab. I was very surprised but happy.
Hi Donald, congrats – thanks for your feedback 🙂
I’m a Prizegrab winner! I won $1117.94 back in December. A month or two later I got my second win: a $10 Amazon gift card. The check cleared at the bank and the gift card worked.
Verdict: NOT A SCAM!
Hi Kathryn – that’s good to know that there are some real winners. Congrats!
I’ve been on the PrizeGrab site for 3 years and never won anything. But I see some people win multiple times. Very skeptical on how the drawings are done. I sent a message asking how this one person won a $140 Amazon gift card back to back. With no repsonse.
Correction $10 amazon gift card
Hey deorah – 3 years is a long time. I do think the chances of winning anything at all, must be incredibly slim. I used to win prizes online, but that was via doing thousands online that I found via forums. … :/
I was able to win a Samsung 65″ 4K UHD TV on PrizeGrab.
Hey Dillon – great to hear, congrats!
how many times and how days did it take to win the prize Samsung 65″ 4K UHD TV. I was trying to find out because I did that site almost every day and never won anything. So how many days and how many times per day was it just the amount of times the site says?
As you noted, I was spammed with emails immediately after signing up… and text messages… and then phone calls started coming in, even after I unsubscribed and found there was no way to access the info I gave them when I first signed up to correct or change anything. We are very angry.
Thanks for getting in touch Karen – I’m sorry that happened to you! But I’m also not surprise, it is an unfortunate consequence of signing up to sites like this. And many people just don’t know this, until it’s too late. :/
Been a member for a week and I won $10 Starbucks gift card. And I also work in Starbucks. I guess it’s just luck and chance?
Haha, that’s an interesting coincidence! But yes, guess so! Let us know if you get anything else.
Supposed to have won, how do I know if true say…
Hi Debra – did prizegrab contact you directly? What have you won? Well done!
I actually won twice from prizegrab. It was during their live spin on Facebook. I got a $25 gift card to Petsmart and a year later I won a hundred bucks.
Thanks very much Rose – that is good to know that there are real winners.
They say I the grand prize money and I don’t know if it’s real and they wanted me to send 399.00 to Wal-Mart to Walmart
Hi there—– They wanted you to send 399?! You shouldn’t have to send anyone any money to receive a prize. If in doubt, contact Prizegrab directly, (via their contact info on their website) and speak to them. Good luck!
I had entered my max entries yesterday and it reset my number of entries 3 times. I contacted prize grab about it and got no response, i’ve entered 29,900+ times with prize grab, never won anything. there are many other sweepstakes i’ve been on for less time and won multiple items.
Hi Connie – 29,000! wow, that’s a serious amount. What other types of sweepstakes do you do? The ones where you’ve won in the past? It would be good to check them out.
I had a individual contact me today claiming to be a prize grab agent saying I had won 2.5 million and a Chevrolet Silverado pickup $100 gas card and $5000 a month for life I’m very skeptical about this but I didn’t give him my personal information
Did they ask you to pay a fee or give your bank details? If in doubt, always contact Prizegrab directly and ask them.
You will never have to pay anything for a legit prize.